Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hollywood here we come!!!

OK...our church has decided that we need to reach the community better. So some of you may have seen some commercials over the Christmas Holidays with our pastor in them. Well he decided that we needed to see more of the church in these show all of what we offer. Well today was the day. Not sure when the new commerical will air...assuming it will be on Sudden Link cable for those of you wondering. Now that my acting career has take off I should be hearing from some big producer who just has to have me for the lead role in his major film this year....most likely an Ocar nomination will come of this for me...yeah right...just kidding!! The only line we were allowed to say was "We have a place for you (with excitement)"! Everyone except Hannah will be on TV real soon...they said she was too pretty and that she would steal the show, hehehe!


Nicole said...

I saw those commercials over Christmas. We dont have cable, so maybe I will get to see your TV debut too! :)

TBSHARP said...

I am just moving a couple miles... Your heading to California!