Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Where have I been???

I am not doing so good at this blogging thing lately. I have so many ideas and yet don't seem able to post them.

Easter was hard.

Was it really Easter??


Guess so, I feel as though I missed it. We had an egg hunt on Saturday, but Rudy ended up sick that night so I was unable to go to church and celebrate the best day in history. Then there was the fact that we were missing 2 important people. I tried to get some of my family together but they had other ideas and were not feeling up to celebrating either. I really don't feel as though I enjoyed the day that my Savior rose from the dead. Even my children had a hard time. Tears were shed, hugs were given, and we all tried to love each other.

Baseball and Softball season have begun.... I am hoping that it will be a little bit of a distraction for me. If I can remember where we are suppose to what time!! I feel like my mind is shot. I can't remember anything.

Well, Just want to say that I am here, I am living, I am healing (I think), and I will be back.


brickmomma said...

sending some love your way......thoug hI cannot spare any brain cells at this moment!

Kimberly Mallett said...

Praying for you today...hope it is a good one!