Monday, June 16, 2008

Dinner Prayer

Rudy desperately want to bless the food tonight at dinner, which his daddy usually does. So we let him. It was precious!!! Here is Rudy's prayer:

"Dear Lord, Thank you for the sun, moon and stars and all that you made for us. In Jesus name, Amen."

He looks up...all our heads are still bowed...

"Oh yea, thanks for the food that my mom and dad made for us....Amen"

Too, cute!!! But wait...daddy didn't make that meal...I did!! I guess he gets credit for setting the plates on the table :)


1 comment:

Becky said...

Just precious! Love that scene below too! Reminds me of Jman when little Agirl came along, he was back to playing all the baby games and baby toys too!