Thursday, March 13, 2008


My Hannah, oh so sweet Hannah!! I love these pictures we took of her yesterday. She is such a joy and a blessing in our lives. I can't believe it has been 7 months now that she has been with us. I look back a the pictures of her first days and can't believe how much she has grown and how much she has changed!!

She was so cute, rolling all over the living room floor. She rolled and rolled until she was under the chair. It didn't really phase her thought. I think she actually thought it was funny. Especially when she started getting all the attention that came along with it :) Then brother came into the room to see what was going on. Well,what a perfect opportunity to see what brother tastes like...actually that is how she kisses you. Mouth open wide...and all she slobber that she add to it!!! I love these pictures so much. You can tell that my children absolutely adore her. Rudy had her laughing so hard today that she ended up with the hic-ups...priceless!!

Then of course he wanted to show his love for her. It is a mushy mess over here all day long!! All the kissing and hugging going might make the weak feel sick. But that is us...just a mushy messy family :)

It really was a wonderful day. Just relaxing. Enjoying my kids. I was not sure what Spring Break would bring. All 3 kids here with me all day for 7 days...I have to admit I was a little scared. kids are awesome. We have done bead art, puzzles, played on the computer, worked in the garden, had some friends over to play, and tomorrow we are going to Katy Mills Mall with some friends. Really it has been a great week!! (I am still looking forward to school starting up again...they are getting bored really fast...harder to entertain :)

And look what she has learned to do!!! Go Hannah!!
She is not to steady, but she thinks she is really a big girl and loves to sit and play.

(Look at her chubby...she has a roll on her mom would have love that....looks like a little padding for when she starts yummy!!)


Becky said...

These are absolutely precious pictures!!!!! Oh my!!! I just kept staring at them!! Can't get over how adorable she is!
You reminded me. I came into the living room one time after going down the hall a moment, and Agirl wasn't there! I had just left her on her blanket one else home...all doors locked. I panicked! She had rolled under the big ottoman!!! I thought to lift it up and there she was, smiling up at me!!! Fun times!
I'm glad you've had a good week...and glad to see a 'happy' post...I know times are rough at spots...

Kathleen said...

She is just beautiful, Shelly and I love the pics with her and Rudy. So glad you all had a nice week together.

Quiltermama said...

I love your pics too! Her eyes favor Rudy's SO much! Beautiful children!!! And those chubby legs!!! Love 'em!!! :-)

brickmomma said...

My #3 gives the same kisses....LOVE them!

KTandEMYsmom said...

I'm trying to get a hold of you, so email me at :

Talk to you soon,