Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Okay...so I need some help...I need prayers!! Lots of prayers!! All my blogging sisters please be in prayer for me and my family. We are struggling! How you ask? Well...

I am not one to talk about this....

Not easy to say....

I know that I need to...

Only for prayers....


We are struggling financially! Oh, I can't believe that I said it!! 2 years ago Trey was fired from a job that provided for us!! We didn't use the money wisely. We bought "fancy cars", spent to much money on things we did not need, and basically blew our money. Growing up we were never taught how important it was to save, budget, and spend wisely. Not that I am blaming my parents or Trey's for that matter! We just were never taught the importance of being good "stewards" of our money and as adults it is really hard to try to change the mind set that we have had all of our life. A little word of advice...start now teaching your kids about money or they will pay for it as adults.

Trey and I are praying for the Lord to show us how we are going to support our family in coming years!! At first I thought I was going to go to Nursing School. Start filling out the papers, got my transcript sent to Blinn, and then started Financial Aide. I was so excited!! I have dreamed of being a nurse for as long as I can remember. My heart is now labor and delivery!! Oh how I wanted to go!! Did you hear that??? How I wanted??? Well, one day I was in a bible study group and I felt the Lord asking me a question..."child, did you ask me if this is what I want of your life?" Oh!! I had not asked him, I had not prayed about it at all!!! I was disappointed in my actions! I asked the Lord to take this desire away from me if it was not what he wanted for me!! So, school is not in my future. I have not had the strong desire since that day!

Trey works at the City of College Station and is a Youth Minister. Those are his 2 jobs. Me? I work as a Preschool Teachers Asst. and at Moms Meals. Those are my 2 jobs. Together we still don't make enough to support our family. I have tried to save money...I am a coupon crazy girl!!! I love clipping coupons and trying to find a bargain. We have cut back in more ways that you can imagine!! And still...short!! We are seeking God's guidance in this. Is there something that we are missing?? Is it time to move on in the Youth Ministry?? Is Trey suppose to be full time Ministry...and if so...where? The church we are at is not in a position to support a full time Minister. Is God calling us away from the area??

There are so many questions to be answered!! Please be in prayer for our family!! We want to be obedient to God. Following Him is our main goal in life...where ever that may be!! We know that we can not continue on this path. We start every month in the hole and that is just not going to work.

As a mommy I worry about Christmas that is coming up!! And Autumn's birthday!! I want so much to allow my kids to participate in other things but just can not find any extra money to do so with. Please help us pray for guidance!! Pray for financial support. Pray for where he would have us go. We need a very clear answer. Will you join us in prayer?


Becky said...

I wouldn't have known that today was your mom's birthday by how you were at work! You seemed in a wonderful mood and you did well!! I can imagine that it is and will be a difficult day and evening for you!
Praying for you all. It's hard to see what God has planned when things seem so uncertain. You have to keep being obedient and following and trusting!

Nicole said...

Shelly, I am so sorry. I know that was hard for you to ask for prayer and I will pray right along side you!!!!!! I have been praying for you today as well. I was going to hug your neck this morning, but I was sick and didnt make it up to the church. Know you were hugged through my prayer!

brickmomma said...

I am so proud of you for sharing. God will remain faithful by your humbleness and honesty. We will pray and He will provide!