Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Very Proud Mommy!!

Oh, I think that I am the proudest mommy ever!! Monday night my oldest, Autumn, asked if she could take her bible to school. I was a little taken back by this question...why would she ask that? I told her that she could take her bible anywhere she wanted. Why are you asking...did you think that you were not allowed? "No, I was just afraid that I would get into trouble." Trouble??? Is that where we are at...a second grader afraid to take her bible to school?? Oh my!! I told her..."Autumn, this is the best and greatest History book of all time and if you want to take your bible to school, you should not be afraid." I mean, isn't that one of the most important lessons of the bible..."Do not fear!!" I told her that she could only take it out when she had free reading time and that if anyone said anything to her, to have them call me. So, on Wednesday she packed her bible and took it to school with pride. I was so amazed at her!! After school I asked her how it went. She was so excited..."everyone wanted to look at it with me!!'" Praise the Lord!!! My second grader is sharing the good news without fear!!!!

She packed her bible again today with more enthuseausim then I have every seen. Upon picking her up from school, I noticed that she had the biggest smile on her face. Again, excitement for the Lord was pouring out of her!! She jumped in the car and said..." A friend brought his bible to school to also!! And tomorrow another friend and I are going to read our bibles together!!" Hallejulha!! Thank you Lord!!

I think we are starting a bible reading epidemic in SECOND GRADE!! I wish we were all as excited as my baby girl to share the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! I ask that you all join me in praying that some way this will bless not only the students that are bringing Gods word into the school but all the others watching as these fearless kids try to make a statement for Christ :)


Quiltermama said...

I'm proud of her too! Way to go!!!


staceykingman said...

This made me smile! I'm proud of her, too.