Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Engagement!

Trey and I met in May of 1992. After about 3 months of dating, I asked a very strange question...don't know exactly why I thought I needed an answer to this question right away...it may have been because all the other guys I dated told me this and then it didn't happen...maybe I was trying to find out if he was really different or just like all the others...I DON"T KNOW, okay! I asked him one night if he was going to marry me....ok, ok, ok....I told you I didn't know why I thought I needed to know!! With out hesitation he answered very firmly....YES! What? Are you serious? Really? What? NO? Really? I was officially scared!! All the other guys told me that without me asking, and you can see how that turned out!! He was really like all the others. His nice country boy charm was fake...he was going to break my heart and run away just like all the others!!! WHY??!!! I was devistated and scared all at the same time. I wanted to run inside, lock the door and never come out again...but he would not let me. He grabbed me, looked into my eyes and told me that he knew that we were suppose to be together...he has known for a long time. He said that he knew the first time he saw me. He told all his friends that he was going to marry me someday, they all laughed and said she is way out of your league!! I couldn't tell you the first time that he saw me, I don't know when that was. He said he watched me grow up...huh? (I told you that I married my stalker didn't I????) He told me that it was as if the Lord revealed to him a long time ago. So, some how I guess that calmed me down...not sure how...I think I should have been even more scared :) Anyway, in April on 1993 he proposed. He took me to the Bryan Golf Course. If you know Trey that should not surprise you!!!! There is a long peer over the "lake", we walked to the end of it and sat down on the rails. It was beautiful night...the sky was clear and the stars were like bright shinning diamonds. I can't tell you the words that he said. I think I was very distracted by how amazing he looked that night and how I was actually going to plan a wedding and become this mans wife!!!! I do remember him telling me that we went to my dad and asked for permission first. Yes, he is old fashioned but I love it!!! My dad told him 3 things....1. she is spoiled....he agreed and said that he helps in that as well 2. she is over weight....he said that does not matter to him, he sees me differently 3. ???? I can't remember the third thing??? I think I was so blown away by the first 2 that the 3rd didn't matter. I was not upset by what my dad said (if you knew my father, you wouldn't expect anything else). I was more surprised by Trey's responses!! He wasn't going to let anything my father say change his mind! So, that was it! Engaged at age 18, a Senior in High School!! I was graduating and planning a wedding all at the same time! Whew!


Nicole said...

SO SO cute!!!!!! So adorable yall are! Ok, I have one thing to say......I am SOOOOOOOOOO thankful I didnt marry my high school boyfriend(s). ugh. BUT, I am so thankful it worked out for you!!!!!!

Kathleen said...

You all are so precious!! It was great seeing you all tonight. Hannah is just such a cutie patootie -- all your kiddos are.

brickmomma said...

I didn't realize you got engaged in high school! John and I are h.s sweethearts, too. WE just waited SIX long years to get married....