Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Shelly's Senior Year


i love these picutes!! I met Trey my Junior year of High School. A friend had already asked my to my Junior Prom like a week before I met Trey! He was so angry when I told him that I would not break it off with my deal!! He followed us around that night...he truly was my stalker!!!! And I married my stalker :) So we dated all of my Senior year and became engaged in April of 1993.

PROM '93
He loved taking me to my Senior Prom!! We were good after the prom and went to the 'school' party. It was at Aerofit...those were fun times!! I remember so much from our dating in High School. He was so sweet. Some days when I got out of school I would find roses, poems or just love letters on the windshield of my car!!! I love that...and sometimes he still does it!!! I also remember one night, he came over and placed a balloon, card and roses on the doorstep...rang the door bell...and RAN!!!! He was always doing things for me like that. He really knew how to win my heart.
Thank you Lord for my husband!!! He is really a wonderful man that I feel blessed to call mine!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Girl, you're killing me with all these cute, old pics!!! And yes, such a baby face he had!! Sweet!