Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sick, Sick and more Sick!!

Well I guess it is that time a year again. All the germs being spread around by little noses sneezing, little hands rubbing little sneezing noses and sooner or later you will come in contact with the little hands that does all the rubbing. Not to mention this crazy weather. Have you seen the forecast for the week? Cold, cold, cold, then warm, warm, and warm. Are we living in Texas or what?

Autumn was home last Wednesday with sore throat...took her to see the doctor and sure enough it was strep throat. YUK!! "Stay away from the baby!", was all I could say. Now this week, Rudy was home yesterday feeling icky, you know watery eyes, coughing, runny nose, the usual. I was hoping that he just need a day of rest and that would be good medicine. NOPE! He started to run a fever last night. So he is home again with me today (not working as you can tell). AND, yep you guessed it Hannah is next in line... oldest, middle, youngest. Yesterday afternoon she sneezed and brought on a flood of drainage. She didn't sleep well last night, which means mommy didn't sleep well either. She coughs a lot. Then this morning start running a low temp. What is a mother to do??? I know, call the doctor!! Not much help there. The advice I received was watch them today and if they are still feeling yucky this afternoon, call back and we will see them tomorrow. TOMORROW??? Oh-Man!! Isn't there so magical cure, some wonderful medicine? NOPE...just time and no sleep for mommy. I am by no means a germaphobic...but I just wish that hand washing was a bigger priority for some.

So please pray for me and my family. Trey seems to be doing well. He is working outside in this crazy weather so I really believe it is a matter of time before he comes home feeling yucky. And me, no time to feel yucky!! (but I do...itchy throat...cough...runny nose....yuck!)


so much more without words. said...

Sorry about the sickness...hope you get them all well and manage not to get it yourself! There is a really good doctor's wife right down the street from you...

Becky said...

We missed you today! Hope you get everyone well! Let me know what Friday looks like for you! Take care of everyone and yourself first!

Nicole said...

so sorry!!!! I have been doing airborne with the kids & claritin. Oops- I should have made them do airborne before heading to church.

TBSHARP said...

Put em in the shower

brickmomma said...

we are sick again, too and are watching the baby, it is her turn.

we'll be out tomorrow :(

I am going to call you soon, becky :)