Thursday, January 24, 2008

Still Sick, Sick and more Sick two...went to the doctor...because you know that is what the nurse said...still running fevers, feeling yucky, then we need to see them tomorrow. Well today is tomorrow. They were still running fevers last night and Hannah screamed and screamed and screamed for 45 minutes (of course hubby didn't hear a thing... how is that possible...we live in a double wide mobile home...walls are thin...but he just kept on sleeping...). Finally she feel asleep. oh the quiet! Anyway, six o'clock this morning hubby awakes, tries to move Hannah to her play pen for me....and let the screaming begin!! This time it was short lived. So, I call the doctor's office, get an appointment, go in, and guess what...they have a virus!! A VIRUS??? I could've told them that and I don't have a medical degree. So, nothing to do but wait it out. Rudy is going to school tomorrow, and I am going to least that is the plan! (oh by the way...showers didn't exactly work this time...darn!)

Update...Rudy started running a slight fever again...100.3...what is going on with this virus??? He didn't have a fever all day and now he does. Not sure what to do, I guess I will have to see how he is in the morning. He is sleeping kiddos usually do sleep good even though they are sick. I hope this bug dies fast. I want my happy go lucky, little man back :> Hannah seems to be doing fine...runny nose, coughing, no fever, not screaming, sleeping well right now. She is always happy even when she is feeling yucky :>

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