Tuesday, February 12, 2008

So, you think your hubby rocks??

I have been reading several blogs lately that claim that their husbands are the best. I have stood back and let you all go on and on about how your hubby is the best and how he deserves an award for his unfailing love and devotion. Well, let me tell you all that MY MAN is in the running!!!

I want you to meet Trey. He is a very simple man, a country boy. (ok Becky...a redneck :>) For 14 1/2 years I have had the pleasure of calling him my husband. When we were dating it was poems, flowers, notes on my car, late night phone calls, songs being dedicated to me and I could go on and on. I have to say that after we were married some of those things were forgotten. But now he is topping all of those wonderful things with more amazing things.

Let me ask you....

will your husband paint your toe nails..even if you are not pregnant?

Does your honey run you bubble baths with candles lit all over the bathroom when you have had a rough day with the kids?

Does he come home after a long day working, and offer to cook so that you can just sit and breathe?

Does he put flowers on the bed to show his love for you?? (this was my birthday a few years ago...sweet!!)

Does he do the laundry on his day off?

Will he scrub the toilets?

Does he do the dishes at 6 am so that you don't have to wake to a dirty kitchen?

Will he go to the mall and spend hours shopping with you?

Would he go get a pedicure with you, if you couldn't find anyone else to go with you?

These are just a few of the amazing things that my honey does to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!


now does your honey admit when he is beat??
And then allows everyone to know about it??
Does he let the moment get captured by a photograph for all to see?? Yes ladies, he is really kissing my feet!
That is just some of the things that he does for me.

Now lets move on to what he does for the kids.... gets the up every morning for school, feeds them, packs their lunches, makes sure they brush their teeth, and then takes them to school...all while I lay sleeping...at least on Tuesdays and Fridays. He plays ball with them, takes them on bike rides, plays games with them, watches movies with them, and will occasionally read to them (not his favorite...you know...he has a Bryan High Education :>) And when it is hunting season he will get the kids up at 5 am and take them to to sit in a deer stand or duck blind for the morning hours (and for those of you who have ever been hunting with little ones...it is not easy) But the most important thing he does for them is showing them the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! He reads scriptures with them, helps with memory versus, and guides them to serving the Lord whole heartedly. He is teaching them that serving the Lord does come with sacrifices on our part but with the right heart they are not sacrifices in our eyes...just the eyes of the world. What may be important to others...you know...cell phones, ipods, fancy cars, big expensive house, the clothes that they wear....are not as important as doing what God has instructed you to do. Just him following the Lord in his own life, no matter the cost, is teaching his children that Jesus is number one above all things.

And that is just what he does for his children.....what about all the other children he teaches?? He makes sacrifices for his "other children" as well. Other children??? Well what about he Youth that he teaches. Every Sunday and Wednesday is trying to lead other peoples children to love and know Jesus more. Not to mention all the camps, DNOW's, SNAC's, fun trips, and any other activity that he plans with them. He has taken on a very vital role in our children of tomorrow. He is worried about the leaders they will become with the Lord in their lives. His mission statement is.....giving the youth of today the foundation that they will need to stand strong as the adults of tomorrow!! He take an active role in their lives when their own parents won't.

He does have two other children that he has taken under his wings...his niece and nephew. When his sister died, he decided that they were going to need him more now then just any average uncle. So he takes them and tries to instill in them the values of the Lord as well.

If these things don't qualify my hubby for husband/father of the year....then this world is in some serious trouble.

So you think your hubby rocks....Have you met mine???


Becky said...

He's even Awesomer than I thought!!! What a great guy......red or not!!! :o)

brickmomma said...

wowsers......what a tribute!!!!!!!

i need to go check on my foot rub ;)